The Officially Unofficial Podcast Review

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The Self-Publishing School podcast with Johnny Wimbrey

Leslie Lindsey Davis
4 min readJan 13, 2022


Wow! Buckle your seatbelts and hold onto your hats! The podcast today takes off at lightning speed and does not let up until the very last word. I know you have already listened, BUT, just in case, here is the link (and be sure to subscribe while you are at it!) to the Self-Publishing School podcast interview with Johnny Wimbrey. So many mic drop, print that on a t-shirt, make a poster out of that moments. Would love to hear what your favorite line is.

Johnny Wimbrey just released his latest book “Building a Millionaire Mindset” (and yes, I will include links to everything I reference.) He helps coaches and speakers who want to use books to grow their businesses. That lines up with what Chandler Bolt and Self-Publishing School teach.

A book is the new business card.

Chandler asked Johnny why he wrote his first book “From the Hood to Doing Good”. (By the way, Johnny has self-published ALL his books except the most recent one. There was a method to his decision to go with a publishing house instead of self-publishing). It was a book he wrote to himself, reminding himself where he came from and where he was.



Leslie Lindsey Davis

Author, self-appointed podcast reviewer, mother, wife, crazy about deadlifting, and believes nothing should be left undone. No ragrets, Not a single letter.