The Officially Unofficial Podcast Review

The Student Becomes the Teacher

Self-Publishing School Podcast with Morgan Gist MacDonald

Leslie Lindsey Davis
4 min readFeb 18, 2022


I think we need to contact Chandler Bolt directly and ask him to change the name of his podcast to SPS Masterclass in Writing, Publishing and Launching your book. All in favor???


This week’s guest on the Self-Publishing School Podcast was Morgan Gist MacDonald, the author of Start Writing Your Book Today (I know you have already subscribed!)I cannot wait to share my top three takeaways, favorite mic drop moments and THIS TIME we have Chandler’s famous question. Oh, and, if you haven’t gotten a copy of Published yet, grab one when you finish reading this.

I guess I will label this first part as Chandler’s second famous question and I laughed when I heard the response. He asked Morgan why did she write the first book. Her response was

she needed to grow her business and realized the best way was to write AND publish a book.



Leslie Lindsey Davis

Author, self-appointed podcast reviewer, mother, wife, crazy about deadlifting, and believes nothing should be left undone. No ragrets, Not a single letter.